UFO's and Suppressed German Technology - Part 2
Video part 2 is a continuation of the part 1. There is just too much to list here, but here are some of the highlights:
- Vertical take off planes (vertical takeoff climbing to 100 miles per hour).
- Rockets from water
- Air to ship rockets,
- Foo engines
- More Rare and banned books
- Victor Schaubereger - a free energy genius in the class of Nicola Tesla.
- Spinning discs that leave the atmosphere.
- Inertia creates lift, but the people inside feel nothing
- The unbelievable story of the inventor of "floating bowling ball"
- Gyroscope lifters
- Rocket Spinners
- Alien visitations
- Anti-Gravity
- Magnetic to electrical connectors
- Hydrogen peroxide engines
- Gravitation to energy
- UFO's to the moon and back
- Thermos jet Saucers
- Interplanetary Craft photos
- Cigar mothership